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How to attract passive candidates to your business

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In today’s competitive talent market, a simple “we’re hiring” post just doesn’t cut it anymore.

At Digital Waffle, we see this all the time. Businesses are growing increasingly frustrated with a trickle of applications and an absence of the high-calibre talent they need.

The issue? You might be overlooking a huge segment of the workforce – the passive candidates.

What are passive candidates?

Passive candidates are professionals who are currently employed and not actively seeking new job opportunities. They’re often content in their roles but may be open to a new opportunity if it aligns with their career goals, values, or offers growth potential.

Unlike active job seekers, passive candidates don’t typically engage with job boards or respond to generic job postings. Studies show that up to 70% of the workforce falls into this passive category, so if you’re only targeting active job seekers, you’re accessing just 30% of the talent pool.

Reasons why you may not be attracting passive candidates

They’re busy and content (But open to the right move)

Passive candidates are excelling in their current roles, so a generic job advert won’t catch their attention. What they’re really interested in is career growth, competitive compensation, or a company culture that aligns with their values. A targeted, headhunting approach is essential to pique their interest.

Job boards can sometimes feel impersonal

For passive candidates, scrolling through job boards can feel like a chore. They don’t want to sift through generic listings; they want a role that speaks directly to their ambitions. At Digital Waffle, we create personalised approaches and use proactive outreach to highlight opportunities tailored to their career aspirations.

Focus on “opportunity” rather than just “hiring”

Passive candidates may not be ready to leave their current roles immediately, but showing them that your company offers exciting projects and long-term career growth can plant the seed for future opportunities. It’s about keeping them engaged, even if they aren’t actively looking right now.

Why attracting passive candidates is crucial for your business

Passive candidates are already thriving in their roles, bringing valuable experience and proven skills. Focusing on attracting them gives you a serious advantage over competitors who are only targeting active job seekers. Here’s why:

Faster hires and lower costs

Active candidates often come with inflated salary expectations and longer interview timelines. In contrast, passive candidates are more realistic and focused on finding the right fit, leading to more meaningful, long-term conversations.

Proven skills and success

Since passive candidates are already established in their roles, they bring a track record of success to the table, meaning less time spent on training and onboarding. They can start making an impact from day one.

Higher retention rates

Studies show that passive candidates are more likely to stay satisfied in their new roles, which leads to higher retention rates and saves your company the cost and effort of constantly refilling positions.

How to attract passive candidates

So, how can you adjust your approach to engage these top performers? Here’s what we recommend:

Become an employer of choice

Craft a compelling employer brand that showcases your company culture, values, and benefits. Share employee stories, promote achievements on social media, and make sure your company stands out as a place where people want to work.

Related: Employee Value Proposition (EVP) - Why it matters & how to improve yours?

Build strategic networks

Attend industry events, connect with talent on LinkedIn, and maintain relationships long before you need to fill a vacancy. When the right role opens up, passive candidates will already be familiar with your company and more open to exploring opportunities.

Related: The importance of networking in your job search

Highlight growth opportunities

Passive candidates are focused on career advancement. Make it clear that your company offers defined career paths and opportunities for skill development. Showing that you invest in employee growth is a major draw.

Partner with a recruitment agency (like ours)

At Digital Waffle, we specialise in connecting businesses with passive candidates. Our team proactively sources top talent who aren’t actively looking but are open to the right offer. With Digital Waffle as your partner, you’ll gain access to a valuable talent pool without relying on job boards alone.

Is your business struggling to attract passive candidates? Get in touch with us today, and let’s discuss how we can help you find your next hire.