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The power of combining in-house & agency recruitment

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Ever spent months chasing down the ideal candidate, only to come up short? It’s a common experience, and if you’ve been managing your recruitment in-house, you’re not alone in feeling the frustration.

At Digital Waffle, we hear it all the time: “We do all our recruitment in-house.”

It’s easy to understand why so many companies default to internal hiring. On the surface, it seems like the more cost-effective and controlled route. You manage the process directly, feel more connected to the candidates, and the thought of saving money on agency fees is appealing.

But here’s the catch: when you rely solely on internal hiring, you could be limiting your access to top-tier talent – the kind that could help your business thrive.

That’s where Digital Waffle, a specialist recruitment agency, steps in. We don’t replace your internal team; we amplify their efforts.

Think of us as your secret weapon, working behind the scenes to secure the talent that will push your business forward, while you focus on what you do best.

Here’s why many companies choose internal hiring first:


Yes, at first glance, internal hiring seems cheaper. But factor in the time investment, the drawn-out interview process, and the potential cost of a bad hire, and suddenly the savings don’t look so great.

Our recruitment services not only save you time but help you avoid costly missteps by connecting you with candidates who fit the role and your company’s culture from the start.

Employee investment.

Promoting from within shows commitment to your existing team, and that’s great. But what if your internal talent pool doesn’t have the skillset or experience needed for a specialised role?

As a recruitment agency, we can broaden your options and introduce you to passive candidates – talented professionals who aren’t actively job-hunting but are open to the right opportunity (like the one you’re offering).


Keeping a close grip on your recruitment process is understandable, but bringing in a trusted agency like Digital Waffle allows you to maintain control while enjoying an enhanced candidate experience. We act as an extension of your team, streamlining the process while keeping you in the loop every step of the way.

But here’s the reality of going it alone:

Slow and steady doesn't win the race.

Internal recruitment is often slower, especially when trying to fill niche or highly technical roles. Partnering with Digital Waffle speeds up the process by connecting you with the right candidates, fast.

Limited reach.

While your in-house recruitment efforts might capture some talent, the best candidates may not be actively seeking jobs or engaging with your company posts. Our extensive network of active and passive candidates expands your reach, giving you access to talent you won’t find on your own.

Expertise matters.

Building and maintaining a strong internal recruitment team requires significant investment in both time and resources. With Digital Waffle, you gain access to a team of recruitment experts who know how to find, vet, and secure top talent, without the long-term cost of maintaining a full in-house team.

Time is money.

Let’s be honest – recruitment is time-consuming. Your internal HR team has countless other responsibilities. We manage the candidate search, screening, and scheduling, freeing your team to focus on their core tasks while we handle the hiring process.

Can be expensive.

Building an internal recruitment infrastructure, especially for smaller businesses, can be expensive. Outsourcing to Digital Waffle offers a cost-effective solution, particularly if your hiring needs fluctuate.

Building a strong employer brand is no easy feat.

Attracting top talent is about more than just offering a great salary – it’s about showcasing your company culture, mission, and values. But crafting a strong employer brand takes time and resources many companies just don’t have.

That’s where we come in. We can help you develop targeted recruitment strategies, design engaging job ads, and leverage our networks to boost your employer brand visibility.

Related: Employee Value Proposition (EVP) - Why it matters & how to improve yours?

Partnering with a recruitment agency like Digital Waffle isn’t about giving up control. It’s about leveraging our expertise, networks, and resources to give you access to a wider talent pool, so you can focus on what really matters – growing your business.

Ready to shift your hiring strategy? Get in touch with us today to find out how Digital Waffle can help you secure your next great hire.​